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Python requirements

It seems a bit backwards to require Python knowledge for a beginner web app tutorial, but the amount you'll need to know is actually very little.

Python is the programming language this course is based on, and Django is the Python framework which we'll be learning in this tutorial.

I learned the basics of Python and programming logic from Learn Python the Hard Way (which is a very misleading title) and encourage you to do the same:

The HTML is free online and is more than sufficient, but if you wish, you can purchase the course for $29.59 and get PDFs and videos as well.

Try to get through at least exercise 40 which'll give you the basic knowledge of the concepts we need. Don't worry if you're not 100% confident (or even 50%), the more you work on your web app using this tutorial, the more you'll get.

Python concepts

Basically, you need to know enough Python to grasp these concepts:

# 1. Comments (this is an example of one.)

# 2. Variables
thing = ""

# 3. Loops
for thing in list_of_things:
    # Do something to thing

# 4. Conditional statements
if thing == orange_thing:
    # Do something orangy
elif thing == potato_thing:
    # Do something potatoey
    # Do something else altogether

Again, try to get through at least exercise 40 of Learn Python the Hard Way before picking up Hello Web App.